PackSolve Drums

PackSolve Drums

PackSolve Drums enables our clients to deliver drummed products to local and international markets in a safe, healthy, environmentally-friendly, cost effective and sustainable manner. Using any of our steel drum products ensures safe and secure storage and delivery. PackSolve Drums offers unique concepts and solutions in the drumming industry that sets it apart from all of its competitors; delivery efficiencies in transport and storage that reduce the cost per ton of product being moved and being stored.

We provide steel drums with different volumes that meet both local and international standards. Over the past 10 years we have developed unique designs in the drums components that cater for the fruit concentrate industry and are designed in such a way to prolong the lifespan of the drum.






SAICRA  is registered with the DFFE  as a Producer Responsibility Organisation with an EPR scheme for industrial packaging in respect of the specific packaging stream related to IBC’s, steel and HDPE drums and containers.

Member of the South African Fruit Juice Association


Using automated machinery, galvanised drum bodies are welded, folded and packed into 25 nested bodies per clusters; six clusters are packed per pallet totalling 150 drum bodies per pallet. Lids and bottoms are pressed and palletised to match the body quantities. The drum components are loaded onto Taut Liner Super-link trucks in quantities of 2000 or 2250 depending on the various drum sizes. The improved logistics model multiplies savings for inbound transportation cost per drum by six, reducing carbon emissions and diesel usage.

OFFERING: Drum Reconditioning

We offer an On-Site or Off-Site drum reconditioning solution where drums are repaired and drum components are replaced prolonging the lifespan of the drum at a considerably lower cost compared to replacing it with a new drum.

  • All of the old labelling is removed;
  • Drums are washed with an approved cleaning solution.
  • New lids and rings can be supplied to replace the worn components.
  • The onsite facility allows PackSolve drums to manage your drum pool giving you the time to concentre on producing your product.

OFFERING: Used Drums

Using our drum rotation system we collect used drums nationally. The drums are then reconditioned and supplied back into the market. Depending on induvial standards the reconditioned drums can be reused internally or used for export.

Onsite operations: Assembling

The drum components are received and stored ready to be assembled for filling. A trained PackSolve Drums assembly operator is based on site to assemble the drums at a rate of 600 drums per nine-hour shift.

ADVANTAGES of the assembly process

  • Drum deliveries are increased from 360 drums per load to 2000 – 2250 drums per load;
  • Storage space of drums is greatly reduced;
  • Offloading of the truck is done by one person;
  • Drums are only assembled when required;
  • The assembly machines can be placed closed to the drum filling line, this reduces the internal drum movement;
  • With the ease of movement our mobile assembly machines can assemble drums in remotely situated site as and when required.


ISO 9001 (Quality Management Systems)


ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety)


SAFJA is the National Association representing and serving the interests of the South African fruit juice industry and therefore engages regularly with various Government departments such as the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Department of Health and the Department of Trade and Industries. In addition SAFJA provides linkages to similar bodies and stakeholders both domestically and abroad.